A White Wedding: Dental Advice for Brides-to-Be

Will New Dentures Need to Be Adjusted from Time to Time, and What Should You Do?

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If you’ve recently received new dentures, you might be wondering if they will need to be adjusted from time to time. The answer is yes! Dentures aren’t a one-and-done solution. They will need to be adjusted over time to ensure they fit properly and are comfortable to wear. So what do you need to know, what signs should you look out for and what should you do if you notice a problem?…

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4 Ways To Reduce The Pain Of An Erupting Wisdom Tooth

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Some people’s wisdom teeth never come through, and even wisdom teeth that do emerge generally do so much later than other teeth. When a wisdom tooth does come through, it’s more correctly referred to as ‘erupting’, and this often results in acute pain or discomfort. This should only last for a few days to a week, and you can always contact your dentist if the pain becomes unbearable or you suspect the area may have become infected.…

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Implant Dentures: Three Crucial Guidelines for Adjusting and Improving Comfort

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If you are looking for an ideal dental device to replace missing teeth, consider implant dentures. As implied, these dentures are designed to anchor to implants instead of direct placement against the gums. Implant-supported dentures are more comfortable because they do not move around, especially when eating or talking. Also, the implants will integrate with the underlying bone and keep the jaw from wearing away. However, you will still need a period to adjust to the new dental device for comfortable everyday use.…

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