A White Wedding: Dental Advice for Brides-to-Be

Protect your mouth with a custom sports mouthguard

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Whatever sport you play it is vital that you are adequately protected. Whether you need proper boots, a helmet or shin pads it’s important that you invest in the right equipment to prevent injury while you are playing. One piece of protective equipment that is neglected by many athletes is the mouthguard. Some people make the mistake of associating mouthguards only with heavy contact sports such as boxing, but whether you are boxing or playing cricket, football, rugby or something that shouldn’t really involve any contact at all it is always wise to take precautions.…

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4 Emergency Tips for Handling an Avulsed Tooth

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An avulsed tooth is a knocked-out tooth, which is a serious dental emergency that should be handled carefully and quickly. Your tooth may get knocked out because of an accident, or even a physical game such as rugby. Whatever the cause is, knowing what to do next is imperative.  Unfortunately, many people whose teeth get knocked out believe that it’s the end of their teeth. However, you can actually save your avulsed tooth.…

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When to See a Dentist About Your Child's Adult Teeth Development

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Losing baby teeth and gaining adult ones is a normal part of childhood development and one that normally goes ahead without a hitch. Although it can be uncomfortable and a bit worrying for children, they’re generally fine with a bit of reassurance and a visit from the tooth fairy. Occasionally, however, there can be a problem, and your child’s new teeth don’t grow through as they should. While this is usually nothing serious, it does need to be seen by a dentist, so they can ensure the child’s teeth remain healthy.…

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