There are a lot of things to consider when you are unemployed, but the effect this situation has on your dental health is probably the last thing on your mind. Now that you have been out of work for a few months, the toil and stress of applying for jobs is starting to show. There are several ways unemployment can affect your mouth, so it is now timely to recognise which ones are happening to you.…
Human teeth are meant to be very strong, but they’re not indestructible! Over the years and through misuse of your teeth, the protective surface of teeth can wear down, so they could eventually chip or suffer cavities. It might also be easier to break a tooth or have it get knocked from your mouth than you realize. To protect your teeth every day, note a few simple tips, and talk to your dentist about other suggestions he or she might have as well.…
Do you know what to do if you crack a tooth while on vacation? What if one or more of your teeth is knocked out during your weekly backyard football game? What if you awake in the middle of the night with the world’s worst toothache? How you handle these dental emergencies can greatly affect the beauty of your smile and even your long-term health. That is why it is important for everyone to create their own dental emergency kit.…