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Implant Dentures: Three Crucial Guidelines for Adjusting and Improving Comfort

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If you are looking for an ideal dental device to replace missing teeth, consider implant dentures. As implied, these dentures are designed to anchor to implants instead of direct placement against the gums. Implant-supported dentures are more comfortable because they do not move around, especially when eating or talking. Also, the implants will integrate with the underlying bone and keep the jaw from wearing away. However, you will still need a period to adjust to the new dental device for comfortable everyday use. Here are essential guidelines to consider after getting implant dentures.

Choose Good Food

Implant dentures do not shift around the mouth like regular ones. However, eating can still be a challenge during the early days. Therefore, you should be patient and learn how to feel comfortable during meals. The best approach is to start with soft foods. Opt for meals that require minimum chewing until you get used to the presence of the dentures in your mouth. Then, you can work your way to harder foods as you adjust. Eating regular food can be a little daunting, so cut everything into small bites. Practise chewing as you did with natural teeth. Do not eat sticky or hard food because it could destabilise the dentures or cause pain. Also, limit the use of the front teeth since they are more prone to instability.

Clean Regularly

Poor oral hygiene can make using implant-supported dentures uncomfortable. Therefore, establish a routine for keeping the device in the best condition possible. You should brush the dentures using a soft toothbrush and recommended toothpaste daily. Make sure to clear out the nooks and crannies of the dentures to eliminate food particles. You should also ensure the dentures maintain a clean look. Remember, teeth are artificial, but they are vulnerable to staining without proper care. When sleeping, you will need to take out the dentures. Soak them in water or a denture cleanser to keep them moist and prevent warping. Additionally, clean your guns and tongue daily.

Consult a Dentist

Finally, monitor your oral health and inform your dentist of any unexpected occurrences. For instance, implant dentures will feel a little unnatural at first. However, if you experience pain or persistent soreness, check with your dentist. The dentures could require repairs to prevent soft tissue damage. Also, ensure to keep up with your appointments for denture adjustment with your dentist. The shape of gums and underlying bone can change over time, and regular adjustments will keep the dentures at their best. 

Reach out to a clinic like Kurrajong Denture Clinic to learn more about implant dentures.
