A White Wedding: Dental Advice for Brides-to-Be

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Common Dental Problems That Emergency Dentists Typically Handle

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No one is immune to dental emergencies—they can happen to anyone at any time. If you ever face a dental emergency, it’s crucial that you visit an emergency dentist as soon as possible. The dentist will provide a temporary remedy to ease your pain and/or prevent the escalation of your injury as you wait to see your regular dentist for a permanent solution. There are many situations that constitute a dental emergency.…

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Is a Chipped Tooth a Dental Emergency?

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If you chip a tooth, is it a dental emergency? The answer is, “maybe.” Even when it’s not a matter that requires immediate attention, you will still need to have the tooth inspected, but there are times when a chipped tooth warrants a visit to an emergency dentist. So how can you tell the difference? Is It a Mystery? You might know the precise moment you chip your tooth, especially if it happens while you’re eating or you’re involved in an accident.…

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Three Common Procedures And Treatments That Can Change Your Teeth For The Better

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Everyone wants to have great teeth, but for millions across Australia, this might seem like an unattainable dream due to either a lack of care or bad genes. If you had been born a couple of hundred years ago you might very well have been stuck with your teeth, but in today’s day and age, there are many simple procedures and treatments that can make your teeth better. Some of them work almost instantly, and others take a while work their magic but last longer.…

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What You Need To Know About Teenage Orthodontic Care

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Orthodontics is a type of dentistry that corrects defects in the jaw and teeth. It involves straightening and aligning the lips and teeth, correcting gaps between the teeth, as well as solving problems with biting. Teenagers are the most common candidates for orthodontic care because this time of life is the period when both the mouth and head are growing, allowing alignment and straightening of the teeth, jaws and lips.…

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Smile for the Camera: What Not to Do When Attending a Party After Teeth Whitening

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Have you just whitened your teeth in preparation for an upcoming party? Is your party within 24-72 hours of your whitening treatment? Then you are probably wondering how your newly whitened teeth might fare when exposed to alcohol and the various foods that could be on offer at the party. Unfortunately, for the first 72 hours, you should avoid food and drink that contains dark pigment, such as red wine. You should also be wary of anything hot or cold.…

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Benefits of Professional Dental Aligners Over DIY Options

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An increasingly popular dental option for crooked teeth is to use straightening aligners. As these aligners became popular, companies began making DIY home-based options. If you have been tempted to buy one of these options, you should consider the benefits of going with professional aligners first. Here are a few of those benefits and what to know about each one.  Accurate Fitting The first thing a dentist will do when you decide on straightening aligners is to fit you.…

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The Easiest Ways to Prevent Denture Breakages

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Whether you’re new to wearing dentures or you’re a long-time user, you probably already understand the benefits of keeping them intact. Although most sets will last without any major problems, that does depend on you taking good care of them. To prevent the need for denture repairs, try the following tips: Adopt excellent handling techniques from the start Whether you’re clumsy or not, any implement that spends a reasonable amount of time in your mouth will exit it feeling slippery.…

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